FREE Design from Vermillion Stitchery!
Unicorn Bear
23,127 stitches
3.19 x 3.90 inches
20 Color Stops
This Free Design Download is provided by Vermillion Stitchery. Their beautiful designs offer a wonderful way to Cross Stitch by Machine Embroidery. The results are stunning!
Click Here to View our current selection of design CD’s from Vermillion Stitchery .
Click on the word UnicornBear in the table below to download a zipped file containing the FREE design file containing a PDF file with color information, and the following formats: ART, HUS, JEF, PCS, PES, SEW, VIP, XXX. Use a zip program like Winzip or PKZip to open the file and access the design file. If you don't have a zip program visit www.winzip.com for a free download version!
Click Here to download the Free Design File!
Note: If you are having trouble downloading the designs (i.e. shows that a file is downloading, but it won't finish) try right-clicking on the format you want to download, then choose "save target as" and save the file to the folder you choose on your hard drive.