FREE Design from Embroider This!
Thanksgiving Sayings
Three Designs Included! "Break Warm Bread Together"
"Gather With Grateful Hearts" "Let Us Give Thanks"
To Download these Free Designs, Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the links below.
"Gather With Grateful Hearts" shown stitched on our Bunwarmer. Click Here to view this classic linen bread cloth.
This Free Design Download is courtesy of Embroider This! (www.embroiderthis.com). Click on each link in the table below to download a zipped file that contains the FREE design in the following 14 formats: ART, HUS, JEF, PCS, PES, SEW, VIP, XXX, CDS, DST, EMD, EXP, PEC, SHV along with a Text file (.txt) with color information for that design. There is a separate link for downloading each of these designs:
“Gather with Grateful Hearts”, “Let Us Give Thanks”, and “Break Warm Bread Together”.
Use a zip program like Winzip or PKZip to open the files and access the design file format you need for your Embroidery Machine. If you don't have a zip program visit www.winzip.com for a free download version!
Click Here to download the Gather with Grateful Hearts Free Design File!
Click Here to download the Let Us Give Thanks Free Design File!
Click Here to download the Break Warm Bread Together Free Design File!
Note: If you are having trouble downloading the designs (i.e. shows that a file is downloading, but it won't finish) try right-clicking on the format you want to download, then choose "save target as" and save the file to the folder you choose on your hard drive. Gather With Grateful Hearts
3.13 x 2.19 inches
6,856 stitches
4 Thread Changes, 4 Color Stops
Let Us Give Thanks
3.78 x 2.59 inches
5,420 stitches
4 Thread Changes, 4 Color Stops
Break Warm Bread Together
3.73 x 2.70 inches
8,455 stitches
4 Thread Changes, 4 Color Stops