Free Download includes 5 Individual Cross Design Files available in 18 different Sewing/Embroidery Machine formats. . Scroll down for Details.
Click on the photos for a larger view and to see how these designs look when stitched on our blank Fancy Baby Bibs!
This Free Design Download is courtesy of Embroider This includes all 5 beautifully digitized designs that will look stunning when you stitch them on our lovely blank gift items available from www.embroiderthis.com. These designs are well suited to many of our machine embroidery blanks especially our fine handkerchiefs, Bible Book Cover, Baby Bibs or Baby Blankets, Napkins, Waffle Weave Bags to name just a few.
Click Here to view our extensive selection of lovely items chosen especially so you can embellish them with your embroidery machine.
Included in this free download are 5 lovely cross designs digitized for your use on your sewing machine. Each design is offered in 18 of the most popular sewing and embroidery machine formats.
To Download your Free Designs simply Click on the desired file format in the table below.
When the dialog box appears, choose "save" to download and save the zipped file to your computer. This file contains all 5 of the FREE designs in the file format you have chosen along with a Text file (.txt) with color stop information, and a picture file (.jpg). NOTE: You must save this file to your computer first and unzip the file to remove the individual file format designs you need for your embroidery machine. Click Here to access our Helpful Hints Page for a detailed help file on how to download these free designs.
Note: If you are having trouble downloading the designs (i.e. shows that a file is downloading, but it won't finish) try right-clicking on the format you want to download, then choose "save target as" and save the file to the folder you choose on your hard drive.